The HEX Files

Trasmoz, Spain


In the 13th century, the entire village of Trasmoz, Spain, was excommunicated for witchcraft and in 1511, Pope Julius II ordered the village to be cursed and it is said to still be cursed today. That's the story anyways

Food! It's a thing we don't talk about enough on here, but we all love food so much. Nathan's recent thing has been learning about spices and his favorite foods locally. This time, it's about Nashville Hot chicken, which isn't really local at all, but the popularity of the dish has influenced many restaurants to try and imitate the dish,...



Given my track record with weird animals (the kakapo, the tree kangaroo), and the fact that I tend to do topics that are very heavy and, quite frankly, fucking depressing, I decided it was time to go back to animals!

Mythical monsters and beasts are the subject of many a folk tale, and typically it is most frequently the common folk at risk of becoming the creature's next delectable snack. In the rare cases a figure of status, power and wealth will star in one of these stories, usually outsmarting the creature, only ...



Cheetahs a pretty synonymous with Africa, that or delicious puffed cheese snacks. But what if I told you that cheetahs used to be all over the place, maybe even with a North American relative?

We're taught a lot of stuff in history class, but how much of our own history is really taught to us properly? Nathan recently stumbled upon a post that was definitely not in any highschool history book, Fascism at home. We take a bit of time to go over one bit of solitary history in America.

Cleaned the house, making notes of repairs that need to be done, things that need improvementMade a "cleansing spray" to try and get rid of any bad energy from the previous owners ( a divorced couple and their two teenagers who drew all over their bedrooms and peeled chunks of paint off the walls)Cinnamon (wealth, protection) roses (love, healing,...



Nathan had a bad time over the holidays. Food poisoning aside, the hiccups that came with it had to be the worst part about the whole ordeal. This lead to a bit of dive into why hiccups happen, what people think is happening when you get hiccups and the kind of remedies offered both by the doctor and the internet...

From "In Defense of the Nation: Syphilis, North Carolina's 'Girl Problem' and World War I" by Karin L. Zipf